Today we are presenting the success case of a property in Andorra under our management, demonstrating how our innovative and diligent approach can turn a closed real estate into a profitable investment in a record time.
This particular property was off the market until June 2023, when AndBnB took over. This month, generally considered as low-average season in Andorra, gave us a challenge that we embraced with enthusiasm.

Facing the market performance, which generated 509 euros at an average price of 44.9 euros and an occupancy of 37.8%, our property in question clearly made its mark. We opened it on June 8, and in just over three weeks, we managed to fill 21 of the 22 available nights. What is more impressive is that we did it at an average price of 77 euros, generating a gross revenue of 1,627 euros for this month. More than triple of what the market produced!
In just three weeks, AndBnB generated 3 times more than what the market did in an entire month!

The achievement of these exceptional results was not a matter of chance. We employed a series of precise and well-articulated strategies, all centered on improving the attractiveness and visibility of the property.
To start, we called on our team of professional photographers to capture the beauty and uniqueness of the property with high-quality images, thus providing an authentic and enticing vision of what guests might enjoy. In addition, we implemented advanced algorithms to optimize prices, effectively balancing competitiveness and profitability. We rewrote the property description to highlight its best features and ensure its visibility in search engines thanks to SEO techniques. Finally, we guaranteed the property's prominence on the most recognized vacation rental platforms. This mix of tactics, added to the undeniable beauty of the property, proved to be a winning combination.
After covering the operational expenses (cleaning, maintenance), the commission of AndBnB, and all non-operational expenses (electricity, water), the final result was positive, even after deducting the amount of the mortgage.
The property's performance was so remarkable that Airbnb promoted the property on the first page of the highest-rated properties in Andorra.

The owner of the property, amazed by the results obtained, commented:
"It's impressive what happened. I never expected to have a positive cash flow the first month, especially starting in the off-season."
This success case illustrates how AndBnB is committed to maximizing the profits of short-term rental properties in Andorra, even under the most challenging circumstances. If you are ready to start your journey towards maximizing your investment, don't hesitate to contact us.
With AndBnB, expectations are exceeded.